Richard Butts Estate Auction
In order to settle the Estate of Richard Butts the following list of items will be sold at public auction located at
4369 Seidel, Saginaw MI From Brockway & Center in Saginaw Twp., go southeast on Brockway approximately 3/4-mile to WILSON then south 4-blocks to sale. Saturday, June 24, 2017 @ 9:30 a.m. |
Vintage Farm Equipment & Primitives
(All in good shape) New Idea steel wheeled wooden manure spreader * J.D. 2-row planter on steel * Steel wheeled wooden wagon * 6’ steel wheeled ride-on cultivator * Horse drawn/ walk-behind plow * Horse drawn/ walk-behind cultivator * 42” wooden wagon wheel Outdoor Equipment Honda WB20XT portable aluminum water pump * Honda EM2500 portable gas generator * Huskee 22” rear tine rototiller (as new) * Troy-Bilt 10 h.p., 26” * 2-Stage snowblower with electric start (as new) * MS 250C high-performance compact chainsaw * Stihl 029 Farm Boss 22” chainsaw * Troy-Bilt CS4210 10 h.p., 3” chipper shredder * 6.75 h.p. 2800 PSI portable power washer * Stihl FS55R gas string trimmer * Toro recycler 6.5 h.p. lawnmower * Qty. light-medium duty chains From the Garage & Shop Acet. torch outfit * Plumbers style torch kit * Craftsman portable air compressor * Craftsman 10” 1 h.p. tablesaw * Craftsman 6” bench grinder * Delta 6” disk/4” belt sander * B & D benchtop drill press * Qty. of good hand held elect. power tools * Qty. of U.S.A. made hand tools * Craftsman 4 in 1 laser trac level w/tripod * Xtreme 42” drum fan * Ridgid 18-volt cordless tool kit * Wilton 5” vise w/anvil * 6x2 1/2’ roller workbench w/pigeon holes * Qty. c-clamps & pipe wrenches * Rolls of copper tubing Antiques & Collectibles Nice Huron cast iron full-size cookstove - Kokomo, IN * (9) cast iron school bells to 24” * 5’ Custom built detailed wooden tractor & fancy wooden wagon * (75) kerosene oil table lamps & lanterns (some ornate) * (200) Piece collection of wooden & steel pulleys * Pillar leg rectangular oak dining table * Qty. Fenton, Carnival & milk glass (bowls, baskets, bells & related) * Violin with case (solid unit) * Original fire hydrant * Several vintage ornate wall & shelf clocks * (12) Sm-Lg steamer trunks * Vintage metal scooter * Oak washstand w/2-drawers & 2-doors * Mission style mini book cabinet * Mission style oak arm rocker * Wildlife mounts * Dazey #40 glass churn * (30) piece N.I.B. Barbie collection * (20) Barn lanterns * (20) Barn jacks * Brass spittoon, safety lamp & blow torches * Stoneware churn & crocks * (3) Jars of marbles * (2) Sets of snowshoes * (20) Block & tackle sets * (10) Wooden washboards * Mini/toy cast iron cookstove * Wooden kraut cutter * Peerless cast iron dual burner tabletop stove * Rug beaters * 1 & 2 man crosscut saws * Eveners * (10) Sad irons * Perfection oil heaters * 1928 MI license plate * CB radios * Many more related items Firearms & Ammo & Related
Approximately (50) Firearms & Related Ammo to include: Remington Sporter RB No 1 .44-77 cal. single shot rifle * Winchester #76 .40-60 WCF rifle * Winchester #94 .32 win cal rifle * Remington #870 12 ga. shotgun * WIncherster #1906 .22 LR cal rifle * Remington #725 30.06 cal rifle * Winchester #12 12-ga. shotgun * Remington #RB22 * Rossi R223 .223 Rem. cal rifle * Winchester #190 .22 cal rifle * Marlin X7VH .22-250 rifle * Marlin #60 .22 cal. rifle * H & R Topper #158 .30-30 cal. rifles * H & A MZ & .922 .32 cal. rifle * Hamilton .22 cal. rifle Ithaca .66 12 & 20 ga. shotguns * Ruger 10-22 .22 LR rifle * Savage Sporter .32-20 rifle * Savage #94 12, 16 & 20 ga. shotguns * Savage #93R17 17 HMR cal. rifle * SKS AK47 7.62x39 mm rifle * Stevens Jr. Crackshot & Favorite .22 cal. rifles * Stevens Marksman #496 .22 cal rifle * Stevens Little scout 14 1/2 .22 LR cal NSV rifle * Stoeger Uplander 20 ga. shotgun * Sharpo .25 cal Rimfire handgun * Colt Bisley .45 cal. single action revolver * Snake Eye .45 cal. S.S. revolver * Iver Johnson Champion 16 ga. shotgun * Nice hunting knife collection Auctioneers Note: Inspection & absentee bidding available through auctioneer. Terms: Cash or checks with proper I.D. day of sale. Nothing removed from premises until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or items after sale. Everything sold as is-where is with no warranty said or implied. Auctioneer & staff act as selling agents only & assume no liabilities or guarantees. Announcements on sale day take precedence over printed matter.
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