Rick Spies Estate Auction III
US-23 Augres, MI (2-Miles north of downtown)
Friday, October 25th @ 10 a.m.
Early Auction Listing
US-23 Augres, MI (2-Miles north of downtown)
Friday, October 25th @ 10 a.m.
Early Auction Listing
Equipment, Trailers & Items Around the Warehouse
Commercial Kitchen Equipment & Related (2) Traulsen double door S.S. digital upright freezers * True double doored ref. merchandiser * True single & double door Coke branded coolers * Hobart double stack nat. gas oven * True 48” double door under counter refrigerator * Randell 48” double door under counter refrigerator * 8’ triple door low profile refrigerator * Bakers Pride Model P-22 S.S. 3600 watt oven * Hobart #5216 2 h.p., 1 ph. Vertical meat saw * Gold Medal Floss Mass port. cotton candy machine * (2) 8x8’ walk-in cooler, white & galv. finish (disassembled) * (2) Taylor #Y754-33 soft serve machines * Universal Nolin 16 gal. ice cream dip cabinet * Savory Panorama 5 chicken rotisserie * Countertop hotdog rotisserie Doughpro #DB1100 dough press * JAC bread slicer * (2) Hobart & Globe #3875V 1/2 h.p, 1ph., S.S. slicers * 42x50” alum. Carts w5” swivel castors * 10’ S.S. double shelf * S.S. freestanding triple sink * Torrey tabletop comm. Meat grinder * 92) Piper 6’ alum. Roller bakery proofers *Bakery style wooden roller display racks * Kitchen Aid stand mixer * 30# digital scales * ASM insulated Polar bins * Red Bull mini fridge * Cake spinner for decorating *Hatco food warmer * (24) Full size metal grocery carts * Roller bins * Qty. of commercial shelving racks & carts * Qty. pharmacy style shelving * (6) Cooler doors * Star #16PD countertop pretzel warmer * Many more related items |
Amusements/Antiques & Collectibles
Vintage Gottlieb double action pinball machine * Arcade games inc. (2) Big Ton Shooting Gallery * Coin op claw game, Mining game, etc. * Coin operated Helicopter and Jeep Safari ride * Deer Acres road signage * Clown head trash can covers * Dozen Deer Acres life size composition figurines inc. witch, Peter Pan, Captain Hook etc. * Pop-a-Shot basketball arcade game * 4’ Wooden totem pole - tree mount style * Very nice computing scale CD gold accented burgundy countertop scales * Norman Happy Hammer arcade game * Oscar’s Wild Ride arcade game * Copy Cat arcade game * Wooden bag cart * Budweiser branded chair/umbrella set * Bentwood cradle * Bushel & 1/2 bushel baskets * Zenith tube type console radio * Lionel Train store display merchandise racks * Indian moccasins * Very lg. qty. of gifts shop merchandise - sold in bulk quantities Watch website for auction updates!